Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Truth of Aches and Pains

Last night we had a full house at the West Van. Library. It was an awesome group excited to learn more about how we can improve our health, wellbeing and express our full potential. Below is the seminar hand-out.

The nerve system is the most delicate, intricate, yet advanced biological information highway

known to humanity. In fact the nerve system is so vast that it’s virtually impossible to tell where

the body begins and where the nerve system ends.

The brain is continuously communicating with cells and tissues which make up the entire body.

This communication throughout your body occurs thru the nerve system, it gives you life,

animates your body and mind, regulates heart rate, breathing, digestion, allows you to move

your body, controls all hormone/chemical release, allows you to think, to create things etc. This

communication within your body can be described as life force or innate intelligence, your innate

intelligence (the same intelligence that created you from two cells.)

Optimal Health is about having a dynamic, adaptable and balanced flow of communication

through your nerve system. A loss of this homeostasis/balance begins the process of moving

towards dis-ease.

To understand the macro we must understand the micro, everything within the universe is made

up of atoms with specific vibrations and tones moving towards increased organization

(growth and evolution). This universal principle can be understood by looking at the growth

and evolution of every living thing in the world, humans, plants, animals etc.

We grow and evolve by adapting to our environment. Every experience is an opportunity to

adapt. If we have an experience that is easy to integrate we will adapt and move along the

spectrum toward optimal health. When we adapt to our experiences we integrate them on a

sub-atomic and cellular level, this moves us to greater health and well being.

When we have experiences that we do not integrate; physical, mental, emotional or chemical

we create interference patterns within our nerve system. Interference patterns (areas of

tension/stored potential energy) distort communication between the brain and body, altering

the flow of life force (communication).

When the flow of communication within your nerve system is altered these interferences may

present within the system as miscommunications in message reception, disconnections, tension,

symptoms and finally disease.

Your innate intelligence will begin to send you signals, to make you aware that you are not fully

expressing who you are, that your cells, tissues, health, well-being, consciousness, growth and

evolution are not moving along the spectrum towards optimal health.

90% of your nerve fibres are in your brain and spinal cord, when build up of patterns occurs

within your nerve system these are some of the types of EFFECTS that are presented as


C1 Headaches, insomnia, high blood pressure, migraines, chronic fatigue, dizziness

C2 Sinus trouble, Eye trouble, Ear ache

C3 Neuralgia, Acne Pimples, Eczema

C4 Hay Fever, Hearing Loss, Adenoids (chiropractic was founded)

C5 Laryngitis, Sore throat

C6 Stiff Neck, Upper arm pain, Tonsils, Croup (child chronic cough)

C7 Thyroid conditions

T1 Asthma, cough, Difficult breathing, Pain in arms/hands, High/low blood pressure

T2 Heart Chest conditions

T3 Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Influenza, Pneumonia

T4 Gall Bladder conditions, Jaundice

T5 Liver conditions, Anemia, Poor circulation

T6 Stomach troubles, acid reflux, indigestion, heart burn

T7 Ulcers, Gastritis

T8 Low resistance to colds and disease

T9 Allergies, Hives

T10 Kidney/Adrenal troubles, chronic fatigue

T11 Skin Problems

T12 Gas Pains, Sterility

L1 Constipation, Colitis, Chrohn’s Disease, Diarrhea, Hernia (intolerances wheat, gluten, etc)

L2 Cramps, Difficulty breathing, Varicose Veins

L3 Bladder/Menstrual Troubles, Bed wetting, Impotency, Knee Pain

L4 Sciatica, Difficult/painful/too frequent urination, backaches

L5 Poor leg circulation, Cold feet, Neoroma, Leg Weakness, Leg Cramps, ankle pain

S hemorrhoids, tail bone pain

An example of a more complex problem is someone like Superman where loss of communication

within his upper C spine affected his entire system.

Remember these are the EFFECTS that your body is communicating to you, not the

cause. The cause is your nerve systems inability to communicate from your brain to

your cells and tissues. This is not allowing you to fully express the intelligence that you

are so your cells and tissues, health, well-being and consciousness can continue to

grow and evolve.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wellness Seminar - The Truth about Aches and Pains

Are you frustrated with recurring symptoms in your body? Do you fully understand why your body may be expressing pain?

Many of us have been domesticated to believe that symptoms are bad and that anything we take from the outside to alleviate these sensations are good. The truth is that the majority of aches and pains are the effect of some other cause.

Would you like to learn how to better understand what your body is telling you? Would you like to address the causes of your pain and discomfort?

Dr. Sukhi Muker will empower you to take charge of your health and well-being. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn an inside-out approach to health and say good-bye to the causes of those uncomfortable sensations once and for all.

Wednesday April 9th, 2008
Time: 6:15pm
Location: 1950 Marine Drive, West Vancouver Library - Peter J Peters Room
Cost: $5 per person* Space is limited; please email info@sunshinelifestudio.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or call
604.922.9299 to reserve your seat.

*Proceeds will be donated to the Sage Transition House, a women and childrens shelter on the North Shore.