Sunday, November 25, 2007

Clear Intentions

In my last piece of education I talked about the 3 necessary elements of life. This week I would like to expand on the 2nd element - how you may become clearer on setting Deliberate Focus and Intentions on the things you WANT and desire.

There have been books and ideas that have come out over the past years that talk about the power of positive thinking, affirmations and the notion of mind over matter. It is important to know:

This is NOT what I am discussing here!

At times it is great to sit back and let life take us to see what it brings our way. However, if we want to experience specific things in our life, we need to focus on bringing them about deliberately.

When it comes to our health and well-being we have been domesticated to believe that life hands us a set of cards and if we have challenges we go to the expert doctors that will tell us our fate. Most of us do not do this in any other area of our lives.

In fact the truth is that you set deliberate focus and intentions almost everyday in your life. You have decided on the house you live in, the vehicle or mode of transportation you have, the people you have relationships with, your career/lifestyle, your education, whether you have children, how you cut/style your hair, the clothes you wear everyday, etc., etc…

So when it comes to your health and wellbeing why do most people leave it in the hands of somebody else? I respect the fact that we “doctors” may know a little more than the average person when it comes to health. This information should be utilized and taken into consideration. Also know that you have complete control over your entire life, including how much joy, vitality and vibrancy you express and experience.

Physically are you symptomatic? Mentally or emotionally are you well rested and full of life?

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in your life and your intention is to “get rid” of these sensations, you will be rewarded with more

experiences that will continue to give you feelings of “getting rid” of pain or discomfort. Not the outcome you are looking for!

Let’s look at this a different way. If you have an old red coat that you no longer desire to wear you may set intentions to purchase a new coat, let’s say a black coat. Now when you go shopping are you focused on what you want or what you do not want? It would be absurd to spend all your time and energy focused on NOT having the red coat. In fact if you did this, all your attention and energy would force you to see more red coats and less black coats. (If you don’t believe me, go shopping and try this).

Naturally you would be focused on all the black coats because that is what you truly desire. Shopping makes this appear easy and I assure you it is.

I set deliberate focus and intentions in all areas of my life. Personal, professional, cultural, economical, environmental…everything is possible! One of the keys is to: BE PATIENT and PERSISTENT! One of the areas I have struggled with is finding a life partner that was my perfect match. Years ago, working with my life coach, I WROTE very clear intentions of what I desired in a partner. Last week I am proud to say that I “officially” got engaged to a woman that I simply describe as “Amazing!”.

What are some of the areas you are struggling with in your life? If it is your health and wellbeing start to write down what you want to experience. If you have pain or discomfort physically, mentally or emotionally, I ask that you WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU DESIRE. For example: Feel energized, Walk/run for an hour, Have a flexible spine/nerve system, Move my shoulders freely, Be patient with family, Love and accept peoples differences, Profoundly raise happy vibrant children, Feel joy, Smile, Be trusting, Be happy, Love myself, etc!

Have fun with this! Do it with your family or friends (PS: children love doing this and it’s very empowering.)

As always, The Universe rewards action, please take action, Now!

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