As many of you know last week I achieved a major milestone in my life, successfully completing the H2H 100 km Ultra-Marathon. For most the thought of even pushing ones mind and body to this extreme is incomprehensible. For me it is simply applying life’s universal laws and principles to see what is possible for my mind, body and spirit. In doing so I continue to grow and experience life from a whole new level.
Life is completely what we make of it. What are the necessary ingredients to experience life at a whole new level? Truly, there are 3 necessary elements that must be fully utilized in order to keep your system moving in the direction towards greater health and wholeness.
To experience life at the highest possible level, we must have:
- A Healthy Lifestyle that involves a balance between moving your body, nourishing it with the right foods and emotions, staying well hydrated and resting.
- A Deliberate Focus and Intention on the things you WANT and desire to experience.
- A Clear Neurological Connection between your brain and body so that the Source of your Life and Power can communicate with your body.
If you are missing any of these three necessary elements you will NOT FULLY experience life and your journey towards living a more balanced and integrated life will be diminished.
On the first level most people are aware that our bodies are vehicles and that motion is a key to life. We need physical, mental and emotional stress so we can continue to adapt and grow. Once stressed our atoms and cells need fuel and rest to integrate and facilitate regeneration to NEW LEVELS.
At times it is great to sit back and let life take us to see what it brings our way. However, if we want to experience specific things in our life, we need to focus on bringing them about deliberately.
Finally, if ones cells and tissues are not receiving the correct messages from their brain ones ability to fully integrate the stresses from a healthy lifestyle or have a direction to move towards will be lost.
I always tell people that ultra races are similar to living life on fast forward. One must have a clear connection between the brain and body so all the necessary physiological and psychological processes can occur efficiently and properly. There is a constant focus of what one wants to do with their mind, body, gait, speed, etc… It is living a healthy lifestyle all in one day. The body is being moved, one is eating and drinking every 20 minutes, every emotion possible is being experienced. During the race there is not much rest, but afterwards rest is necessary in the days and weeks to follow for full integration, learning and adaptations to new levels from the experience.
Where are you in your life? Is there anything in your life that you want or desire to experience? Are you applying all 3 necessary elements to life? Through awareness one may be empowered to implement change.
Spend the next few days thinking about your life, where it has come, where it is going. Right this down, look at it, are you living the life of your dreams? Regular adjustments ensures you are integrating life with a clear connection and you have the power to create a healthy lifestyle and have deliberate focus. The universe rewards action, take action now!
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